KHSTA Update 7/28/2020: Regarding FFCRA Act
KHSTA Update 7/28/2020
We hope you and your families are well. We met with the district this morning to bargain the impact of the board’s decision for distance learning and our members’ return to work sites. We believe we made some progress, however, there are some issues that are not yet resolved that require additional information. This information will give the district an idea of the number of members who will require substitutes if those members need to report to their sites daily.
If you are considering a leave or accommodations due to your personal health conditions, a family member’s health conditions, child care needs, or are in a high risk group (over 65), we need you to put in paperwork with the district as soon as possible (no later than Thursday of this week). Putting in paperwork does not obligate you to take the leave. It will allow the district to figure out what their possible needs in terms of substitutes, if reporting to work sites is mandated. We are including the links to the leave and paperwork below.
Information on FFCRA leaves: FFCRA Act
To apply for leave, use the link below. All submissions should be sent to Misty Rose in the HR Department (if you use the district link below, it should go there automatically).
APPLY HERE This link will take you to a DocuSign sign in. That is the correct place to complete the application. It is a very short process.